
Sake Han'nya junmaidaiginjō
List of sake My top 20 local sakes Details of each sake
List of shochu My top 15 Shochus
Sake room The temperature controlled room
Izu wine Wine, and helthy goods from this area
Column of sake about sake brewing process.
Oder sheet You can oder sake in this page
Minamiizu map Town map & Shimokamo map
Hitomukashi Premium shochu

Hello, and welcome to our home page.
We specialize in traditional Japanese spirits and have a comprehensive range of sake and Shochu from most of regions in Japan. We also have a wide range of European and Japanese wine and beer.
In addition to our products we offer a friendly family service, we will be happy to advise you on both sake and any aspect of life in Minamiizu from hotel to beach.

visitors has come here,since 1th Jan.2000 
E-mail us!

44-2 Kamigamo Mina
miizumach kamogun shizuokaken